
Fugro awarded offshore wind site characterisation deal in Japan

Dutch surveyor Fugro has been awarded a site characterisation contract for a wind farm development off the coast of the Japanese cities of Murakami and Tainai, Japan.

The offshore wind farm off the country’s west coast will be developed and realised by a consortium of RWE, Mitsui, and Osaka Gas. Fugro’s geo-data will contribute to the detailed design of future turbine foundations and cable routes.

The fieldwork is already underway. Fugro’s jack-up platform, the Amberjack, and two of Fugro’s vessels the Equator and the Mariner, will be conducting work under the deal.

“[This] important Japanese wind farm project will contribute to the country’s commitment to expand offshore wind capacity as part of its goal to be carbon neutral by 2050,” said Jerry Paisley, Fugro’s regional sales director.

Bojan Lepic

Bojan is an English language professor turned journalist with years of experience covering the energy industry with a focus on the oil, gas, and LNG industries as well as reporting on the rise of the energy transition. Previously, he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy Today and LNG World News. Before joining Splash, Bojan worked as an editor for Rigzone online magazine.

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