AsiaDry Cargo

Great Eastern offloads supramax

Indian owner Great Eastern Shipping has struck a deal to sell its 2006-built supramax bulk carrier Jag Rohan.

The price and the buyer of the 52,450 dwt ship Great Eastern picked up for $9m as Tenshou Maru in March 2017, have not been disclosed.

The Tsuneishi Cebu-built ship, estimated by VesselsValue to be worth $10m, will change hands in the third quarter of the financial year.

Mumbai-listed Great Eastern, which counts a diversified fleet of over 40 ships, earlier this month purchased an MR tanker Grand Ace8 for around $23.8m and has also been linked to panamax bulker Port Star in a deal worth some $20.2m.

Adis Ajdin

Adis is an experienced news reporter with a background in finance, media and education. He has written across the spectrum of offshore energy and ocean industries for many years and is a member of International Federation of Journalists. Previously he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy, Subsea World News and Marine Energy.
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