AmericasEuropeMiddle EastOperations

Höegh Autoliners nets five-year deal to bring cars from North America to the Middle East

Norwegian car carrier player Höegh Autoliners has signed a new shipping contract with a major international carmaker.

The five-year deal will see the Oslo-based company transport mainly electric vehicles from the US and Mexico to the Middle East.

Höegh Autoliners, which operates about 40 vessels in global trade and loads at six ports as part of its North America to the Middle East and Asia trade route, did not provide any further details about the deal, but the company’s CEO Andreas Enger said it was with one of the company’s most important customers.

“Serving our strategic customers and allocating capacity to them in our systems both ex. Atlantic and ex. Asia is our top priority,” said Enger, adding: “We have a long history in the US to the Middle East trade and it gives us confidence that customers see us as their trusted long-term carrier for their products in this corridor.”

Earlier this year, another deal was struck with a major East Asian carmaker for shipments to Europe until the end of 2028.

Adis Ajdin

Adis is an experienced news reporter with a background in finance, media and education. He has written across the spectrum of offshore energy and ocean industries for many years and is a member of International Federation of Journalists. Previously he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy, Subsea World News and Marine Energy.

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