
Bibby Marine wins three-year contract with TotalEnergies

UK marine asset provider Bibby Marine has won a three-year contract with the Dutch unit of TotalEnergies for its 2017-built walk-to-work (W2W) vessel Bibby WaveMaster 1.

The charter encompasses working on the Dutch continental shelf in the Southern North Sea in 2022, 2023 and 2024. The duration will be a minimum of 180 operational days, potentially extending to 236 days each year.

The WaveMaster 1 will likely complete more than 10 gangway connections per day and accommodate some 70 TotalEnergies EP Nederland personnel.

Bibby Marine has previously worked with TotalEnergies EP Nederland in 2018 – 2020 for W2W and accommodation services for various campaigns.

Adis Ajdin

Adis is an experienced news reporter with a background in finance, media and education. He has written across the spectrum of offshore energy and ocean industries for many years and is a member of International Federation of Journalists. Previously he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy, Subsea World News and Marine Energy.
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