
Damen tug quartet to run on CMB.TECH hydrogen power

CMB.TECH and Dutch shipbuilder Damen have signed an agreement to collaborate on hydrogen-powered ASD Tugs.

These tugs will use CMB.TECH’s dual-fuel hydrogen technology and be built by Damen. The collaboration entails work on four initial vessels.  

Classification society Lloyd’s Register has already awarded CMB.TECH and Damen with approval in principle for the hydrogen solution that will be installed in the tugs.

The ASD Tugs, with an 80-tonne bollard pull, will have four high-speed dual-fuel hydrogen engines and modular storage systems for compressed hydrogen. Each tug can carry up to 16 hydrogen bottles, storing a total of 736 kg of pressurized hydrogen at 350 bar.

Although the tugs will primarily run on hydrogen, they’re equipped to switch and fully operate on traditional fuel if needed. The tugs can hold a total of 160 cu m of fuel.

“ASD tugs are ideal assets to start the decarbonisation of port operations. With our hydrogen tugs, every port in the world will now be able to lower its carbon emissions and create demand for green hydrogen production,” said Alexander Saverys, CEO of CMB.TECH.

Damen and CMB.TECH have previously cooperated on the development of a series of CSOVs that the Dutch company is building for CMB.TECH’s subsidiary Windcat.

In another hydrogen-related development, Cleanergy Solutions Namibia, a joint venture between CMB.TECH and the Ohlthaver & List Group, revealed plans for the development of Africa’s first dual-fuel hydrogen-powered vessel earlier this month.

Bojan Lepic

Bojan is an English language professor turned journalist with years of experience covering the energy industry with a focus on the oil, gas, and LNG industries as well as reporting on the rise of the energy transition. Previously, he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy Today and LNG World News. Before joining Splash, Bojan worked as an editor for Rigzone online magazine.
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