
Havila Shipping bags deals for PSV trio with Equinor

Norwegian OSV owner Havila Shipping has secured contracts for three of its platform supply vessels (PSVs) with compatriot energy giant Equinor.

Equinor hired the Havila Clipper, Havila Fanø, and Havila Herøy PSVs for a firm period of twelve months.

The contracts for each vessel include six optional extension periods for one month each. The contracts will start at the end of July 2024.

The Havila Clipper has most recently worked for Equinor. The last contract for the vessel was agreed in February 2023 and was for a firm period of six months with two options of two months each.

Before this contract, the Havila Fanø was under hire with TotalEnergies while Peterson Den Helder had the Havila Herøy under contract until April 2024.

Bojan Lepic

Bojan is an English language professor turned journalist with years of experience covering the energy industry with a focus on the oil, gas, and LNG industries as well as reporting on the rise of the energy transition. Previously, he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy Today and LNG World News. Before joining Splash, Bojan worked as an editor for Rigzone online magazine.
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