EuropeGreater ChinaShipyardsTankers

Marinakis firms up VLCC options at Dalian

Greek owner Evangelos Marinakis has beefed up his orderbook of very large crude carriers in China.

Marinakis-controlled Capital Ship Management has contracted Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co (DSIC) for two more LNG dual-fuel VLCCs, with deliveries expected in the first half of 2028, according to brokers.

The vessels are options the company held following the initial order for four firm units at the CSSC-affiliated yard earlier this year at a reported price of $140m each and deliveries starting in 2026.

Other owners, such as John Fredriksen-led Seatankers and Anna Angelicoussis Kanellakis-backed Pantheon Tankers, also have VLCCs lined up for construction at Dalian.

Adis Ajdin

Adis is an experienced news reporter with a background in finance, media and education. He has written across the spectrum of offshore energy and ocean industries for many years and is a member of International Federation of Journalists. Previously he had written for Navingo media group titles including Offshore Energy, Subsea World News and Marine Energy.
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