
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding to build Japan’s first methanol-fuelled roros

Toyofuji Shipping and Fukuju Shipping have signed up for a roro each at Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, with the newbuilds set to be the first methanol-powered roros built in Japan.

The ships will deliver by the end of fiscal 2027, and will be able to carry 2,300 cars each. The 169.9 m long dual fuel vessels will feature a windshield and will be deployed domestically. 

No price has been revealed for the two ships. 

Methanol continues to be the headline story in the alternative-fuelled newbuild segment, with 70 new orders for methanol-fuelled vessels placed in the first five months of 2024, according to class society DNV. This accounts for 55% of all new orders for alternative fuelled vessels in 2024.

Sam Chambers

Starting out with the Informa Group in 2000 in Hong Kong, Sam Chambers became editor of Maritime Asia magazine as well as East Asia Editor for the world’s oldest newspaper, Lloyd’s List. In 2005 he pursued a freelance career and wrote for a variety of titles including taking on the role of Asia Editor at Seatrade magazine and China correspondent for Supply Chain Asia. His work has also appeared in The Economist, The New York Times, The Sunday Times and The International Herald Tribune.
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