
Rem Offshore acquires Emas Offshore PSV

Norwegian OSV operator Rem Offshore has acquired the 2012-built PSV Lewek Aquarius from struggling offshore firm Emas Offshore, part of Singapore’s Ezra Holdings.

Fredrik Remøy, CEO of Rem Offshore told Norwegian local media Hegnar that the company acquired the vessel at a significantly reduced price.

The vessel has been fixed to a major seismic contractor under a three-year contract and it will be retrofitted in Singapore before the commencement of the contract.

According to Remøy, the company is looking to acquire more vessels to secure contracts in the seismic sector as the shareholders see further potential in this market and the company has expertise in the segment as well.

Earlier this year Rem Offshore secured controls of four PSVs through a refinancing of Vestland Offshore.

Jason Jiang

Jason is one of the most prolific writers on the diverse China shipping & logistics industry and his access to the major maritime players with business in China has proved an invaluable source of exclusives. Having been working at Asia Shipping Media since inception, Jason is the chief correspondent of Splash and associate editor of Maritime CEO magazine. Previously he had written for a host of titles including Supply Chain Asia, Cargo Facts and Air Cargo Week.
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