
Samsung Heavy goes to court over Russian tanker cancellations

South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries is going to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre to file a case against a Russian shipyard owner that cancelled contracts worth $4.3bn for the supply of oil and gas tankers. 

Samsung Heavy said yesterday it will sue Zvezda as the Russian shipbuilder, which faces sanctions from the US, asked the Korean shipbuilder to return $800m worth of downpayments received and pay interest for arrears after unilaterally canceling two contracts worth $4.3bn.

Zvezda informed Samsung Heavy on Tuesday of the cancellation of its contracts for the supply of blocks and equipment including 10 icebreaking LNG carriers and seven icebreaking shuttle tankers.

Sam Chambers

Starting out with the Informa Group in 2000 in Hong Kong, Sam Chambers became editor of Maritime Asia magazine as well as East Asia Editor for the world’s oldest newspaper, Lloyd’s List. In 2005 he pursued a freelance career and wrote for a variety of titles including taking on the role of Asia Editor at Seatrade magazine and China correspondent for Supply Chain Asia. His work has also appeared in The Economist, The New York Times, The Sunday Times and The International Herald Tribune.
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