
MSC ship arrested after close shave with American bridge

An errant containership operated by Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC) that made headlines in the US earlier this month for a close brush with another American bridge is now at the centre of a legal tussle. 

Carver Maritime has filed a suit over the MSC Michigan VII’s throttle getting stuck, which resulted in damage to the American company’s pier along the Cooper River in Charleston. A US court has also issued an arrest warrant against the ship.

The suit claims the 24-year-old, 6,648 teu ship was moving more than 15 knots, when it passed by the pier, displacing water and creating a large wake.

Another ship, the Norway Pearl, was moored to the pier at the time, according to the lawsuit. Carver Maritime alleges the ship was sucked away from its mooring lines and thrown violently back in, causing substantial damage.

The suit lists 14 reasons MSC Michigan operators allegedly breached duties including failing to maintain speed and failing to operate the vessel safely. 

The incident prompted police to clear the Ravenel Bridge of drivers and pedestrians as a safety precaution until the ship was able to regain control of its engines, something that rekindled memories of this March’s tragic bridge allision by the Dali containership in Baltimore.

Sam Chambers

Starting out with the Informa Group in 2000 in Hong Kong, Sam Chambers became editor of Maritime Asia magazine as well as East Asia Editor for the world’s oldest newspaper, Lloyd’s List. In 2005 he pursued a freelance career and wrote for a variety of titles including taking on the role of Asia Editor at Seatrade magazine and China correspondent for Supply Chain Asia. His work has also appeared in The Economist, The New York Times, The Sunday Times and The International Herald Tribune.


  1. Wow.
    Checkout gCaptain forum -Thread” MSC Michigan VII – Out of Control, Charleston “” how American shiphandling champions including DR.Sal are extoling the US Pilot decision to continue down the river with speed in excess 15 kts. There is one bloke there, who showed them all smart ship handlers , where the emcy stop button is . Guess who this bloke was ?? 🙂 .
    Can not shake the impression that milking ship owners on the other side of the great pond has become a disturbing habit,

    Dear Editors. Love You for these piece of info as now I will have more ammo to deal with the local ëxperts” there.

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