
Call to ban refund guarantees

Refund guarantees should be banned to make shipping less of a casino, a majority of readers voting in our latest online survey suggest.

With 12 hours till voting in the latest MarPoll closes, 67% of the more than 600 votes so far believe shipyard refund guarantees should be ditched, albeit many question how this can actually be enacted.

“This will only happen when pigs can fly,” one respondent commented. “Any unilateral attempt is going to drive business elsewhere,” another reader suggested, while one voter asked: “Isn’t it the casino aspect that attracts the risk taking mega-rich players?”.

MarPoll, the quarterly online survey carried by Splash and Maritime CEO magazine, features nine topical questions ranging from emissions to transparency, big boxships, technology, and shipbroking. Votes will be revealed in the next issue of Maritime CEO magazine, timed to come out for distribution at SMM in Hamburg, the world’s biggest shipping exhibition.

Voting takes a couple of minutes and there is no registration. To vote, click here.


Splash is Asia Shipping Media’s flagship title offering timely, informed and global news from the maritime industry 24/7.
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