
Maritime recruitment trends and strategies for success

Mark Charman, CEO and founder of Faststream Recruitment, provides Splash readers with an abridged version of a speech he gave in Singapore last week.

The maritime landscape is undergoing profound transformations, driven by technological advancements, shifting workforce dynamics, and evolving industry demands. Our ongoing surveys across diverse maritime sectors illuminate these changes, highlighting the evolving relationship between individuals and their work. With a multigenerational workforce navigating the seas of change and the emergence of disruptive technologies like decarbonisation and AI, the imperative for innovative recruitment practices has become more pronounced. Industry stakeholders must embrace these changes proactively, reimagining their recruitment paradigms to attract, retain, and reward top talent effectively.

Despite the enduring demand for talent within the maritime sector, attracting the right candidates has become increasingly challenging. 

You tell us attraction in maritime is more:

  • Difficult
  • Competitive
  • Time-consuming
  • Complex

But feedback from industry stakeholders also underscores several key challenges, including perceptions of the industry’s digital maturity, compensation competitiveness, and diversity initiatives. 

The rise of Generation Choice means encompassing digital natives and forward-thinking professionals, and it necessitates innovative attraction strategies. These are people who have more career choices than ever. In fact, The Institute for The Future predicts that 80% of jobs available in 2030 have not even been invented yet. I cannot see maritime not being impacted by this. 

In the era of “everything now,” our lives are defined by instantaneous access and immediate gratification. Consider your own evolving expectations regarding services and products, and apply this paradigm shift to recruitment processes. Speed and responsiveness have become integral aspects of our daily lives, and they are increasingly pivotal in attraction and recruitment endeavours. Lengthy processes not only deter potential candidates but also jeopardise successful recruitment. In today’s fast-paced world, individuals are unwilling to wait, underscoring the urgency for streamlined and efficient recruitment processes.

This means that new attraction and recruitment strategies are needed, and one of the strategies to use is: micro-moments

In the age of instant gratification, employers face the challenge of engaging digitally native generations by crafting multiple micro-moments. These fleeting yet impactful interactions are vital for capturing the attention of individuals who are constantly connected and immersed in digital environments. To effectively seize these micro-moments, you must leverage diverse mediums, including mobile applications and social platforms.

With a generation that is perpetually “always on,” it’s imperative to understand how they consume information. Capturing their attention has become the new currency in recruitment strategies. It’s not merely a matter of shorter attention spans but rather the proliferation of mediums competing for their focus. To successfully engage this audience, employers must strategically deploy content across various channels to effectively connect with and resonate with digitally immersed individuals.

Getting attention 

You need to get the attention of the right people, not the most people. 

Ensuring that your attraction strategies effectively target the right individuals, rather than merely casting a wide net, is paramount. Failure to do so runs the risk of attracting candidates who may not align with your company culture or values, ultimately leading to potential misfits within your business. By focusing your efforts on engaging with the right audience, you can enhance the likelihood of attracting individuals who not only possess the necessary skills and qualifications but also resonate with the ethos of your business, fostering a more cohesive and productive work environment.

Effective communication plays a crucial role in the recruitment process, assuming paramount importance. Prospective candidates assess a business’s communication practices as indicative of its overall employer brand. Poor communication during the attraction and recruitment stages prompts candidates to question the business’s professionalism and reliability. Consequently, they may question what the employer-employee relationship will entail. Prioritising clear and timely communication is essential to establish a positive initial impression and foster trust and transparency throughout the recruitment journey.

You will be judged.  Communication is so important in the attraction and recruitment stage because of the ‘Great Regret’. 

The Great Regret

Feedback from individuals highlights a common trend: businesses often inundate prospective employees with flattery and promises, painting an idealistic picture of the role and workplace. However, the reality frequently falls short of these lofty expectations, leading to feelings of disappointment and regret among new hires. This discrepancy between expectations and reality is not exclusive to entry-level positions; even senior executives have experienced it. It serves as a poignant lesson for employers and recruiters alike: while it’s natural to strive to attract top talent by presenting an enticing job offer, these promises must align with the actual work environment and opportunities. Ensuring congruence between promises and reality is essential for building trust, fostering employee satisfaction, and minimising turnover in the long run.

Shifting your focus from the company to the prospective employee marks a crucial transition in recruitment strategy. It’s not solely about showcasing the company’s achievements or offerings; rather, it’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with the individual candidate. By emphasising personalisation and tailoring the recruitment process to cater to the unique needs and aspirations of each candidate, you can create a memorable and meaningful experience. 

This approach taps into the power of the word “you,” which is often overlooked in attraction strategies. Incorporating “you” into communication efforts fosters a deeper connection with candidates, enhancing engagement, clarity, and overall connection. In the competitive landscape of maritime recruitment, the ability to connect with individuals on a personal level during the attraction stage serves as a distinct advantage for both the business and the prospective employee, paving the way for lasting relationships and mutual success.

In today’s landscape, our actions must align with our beliefs and words more than ever. The significance of purpose and values has heightened, influencing individuals’ perceptions and decisions. As businesses, embodying authenticity and integrity in our purpose and values not only fosters trust and loyalty but also attracts like-minded individuals who align with our mission. Thus, establishing a strong foundation rooted in purpose and values sets the stage for meaningful relationships and sustainable success.

In today’s competitive job market, individuals seek more than just a salary; they desire opportunities for personal and professional development. The 3Cs – Career Growth, Continuous Feedback, and Constant Learning – have emerged as essential components of an attractive employer value proposition. 

Offering avenues for career advancement, regular feedback loops, and access to continuous learning opportunities are not only crucial for attracting top talent but also for retaining them in the long term. Businesses that prioritise these elements within their employee experience stand to differentiate themselves as employers of choice, fostering a culture of growth, development, and mutual success.

Retaining talent has become one of the most pressing factors for maritime, perhaps even more so than attraction.

Even in our most recent senior executive survey, 40% indicated their intention to switch jobs within the next two years. From a recruitment perspective, this signals an opportunity, as it means more talented individuals are available for placement in the maritime sector. However, it also poses challenges for businesses, as the demand for experienced and dependable senior talent intensifies. Employers must not only consider the implications of their employees seeking new opportunities but also the potential impact of key executives departing on the stability and strategic trajectory of their business.

The pursuit of growth underscores the prevailing theme of 2024, as individuals and businesses alike strive for advancement and expansion. This desire for growth is not only a preference but also a necessity in today’s dynamic landscape.

Employees are often seeking challenges and growth as intrinsic motivators for staying with their current employers. Extrinsic motivators like reward, title and power can only keep you going at your best for so long. 

So, think, challenge, growth and advancement, purpose, responsibility and autonomy, achievement, pride, satisfaction, and flexibility.

Final thoughts

In the quest to attract and retain top talent, increasing compensation isn’t always the solution; sometimes, paying more attention to your employees’ needs and experiences can be far more impactful. This means carefully considering how you’re trying to attract talent and how you’re nurturing and supporting your existing workforce. Merely casting a wide net without genuine attention and engagement is akin to chasing empty metrics. True success lies in the meaningful connections forged with employees, acknowledging their contributions, and fostering an environment where they feel valued, supported, and motivated to excel.


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